January 2020 to December 2023

TITD January 2020 to December 2023

This Is The Day! Radio


Linda, Dede, Dan,& Larry
(Click to enlarge)

Email us at    HarvestChristianMinistriesVT@gmail.com

Phone 802 447 0869

New shows added 07/17/24


RADIO:   Midnight and 6 AM, Monday – Friday on

               WHAZ, a network of 5 stations across NYS:

        WHAZ 1330AM | WBAR 94.7FM | WMYY 97.3FM | WHAZ 97.5FM | WMNV 104.1FM


Click below for Older Radio Programs –

July 2018 to December 2019

August 2016 to June 2018

September 2015 to- July 2016

December 2014 to August 2015


Week of December 25, 2023

 Monday 12.25.2023

^^ What’s your second wish?
The fulfillment of hope, the God of hope
Hope, radiating from our heart

Tuesday 12.26.2023

^^ Doubt, seeking the truth, is different from hopeless doubting
What did the disciples think of, after the Cross?
Mary at the garden tomb! Wow!
Focus on what you do have!

Wednesday 12.27.2023

^^ Buckeyes!
We had 54 kids at the HCM Christmas party!!
Happy Birthday Dear Jesus!
This is a great time in history to be a Christian!
The flesh never gives what it promises

Thursday 12.28.2023

^^ Jesus: He’s the Reason for the Season!
There is no letdown after Christmas!
We are celebrating the sowing!
But God!
He is a redemptive God!

Friday 12/29.2023

^^ Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
And then one day, I’ll cross the River…
The church is to be a Light in a dark world
When things got difficult, they doubled down and got rid of idols and drew close to God

Week of December 18, 2023

 Monday 12.18.2023

^^ Bad company corrupts good morals!
A good meal is worth waiting for!

Tuesday 12.19.2023

^^ I came back disjointed
Each time I came back, there was another layer of reform
Train up your children in the way they should go . . .
My heroes

Wednesday 12.20.2023

^^ Encouragement
Zero government help!
I don’t follow a God of circumstance
Happiness is Joy’s ugly little brother!

Thursday 12.21.2023

^^ 23rd psalm
Fear will never conquer me, because You already have
Eternity fills our hearts

Friday 12/22.2023

^^ Opinions are like feet, everybody’s got one
FFF – forced family fun!
Cold-weather events seem to occur at worldwide climate change meetings

Week of December 11, 2023

 Monday 12.11.2023

^^ All hands on deck!
Every person in a church is necessary and has a role
Invite the Holy Spirit into your life!
Building better bridges

Tuesday 12.12.2023

^^ Rearranging the manger scene
If we wait till we’re completely ready to do what He’s calling us to do, we aren’t going to do anything!
A prayer over BENNINGTON
What can be accomplished through a soldier that follows orders?
Immediately, they left their nets, and followed Him …

Wednesday 12.13.2023

What does it look like when you are saved?
3 John 1:4 – I have no greater joy than to see My children walking in truth!
We awaken, He fills us!
Acts 4:31 … the meeting place shook!

Thursday 12.14.2023

^^ Testimonies
The reason the prodigal son left is because he didn’t value the father!
Chutes and Ladders!
Joy is present, happiness is contingent
Taste and see!

Friday 12/15.2023

^^ “We go watch the sunrise!” (Around Christmas, from the East coast of FL)
Forgiveness: so important to understand, essential to do!



Week of December 04, 2023

 Monday 12.04.2023

^^ I see people trying to change, hopelessly
This stuff is real!
A strong relationship changes you!

Tuesday 12.05.2023

^^ Ezekiel: wheel within a wheel!
His Love’s Provision!

Wednesday 12.06.2023

^^ I remember holding my first Bible!
Larry had a sign from God!
If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to Me!
The first bite is good, and it gets better!

Thursday 12.07.2023

^^ You get the whole deal in Christ!
Life in Christ is not mundane!
We may be fools here, but we’re happy fools!
I have an excitement about BENNINGTON!

Friday 12/08.2023

^^ Each one of us follows a Man hung on a tree …
So, we are all fruits – the Father loves diversity!
So, years ago we had a dance troupe here…!
Father, let none of my restrictions bind You!
Lord, I need to know what you are speaking into this situation …

Week of November 27, 2023

 Monday 11.27.2023

^^ We trust our hearts to One Who can be trusted
Greater power, as we come together
Jesus is my best friend!

Tuesday 11.28.2023

^^ Desire is a homing device to God
Brokenness – a sign that Jesus didn’t come back yet!
His delight becomes our delight!
There is a joy in being sent!

Wednesday 11.29.2023

Stop! Ask! Obey!
Shemah – hear and obey
Unsanctified mercy is enablement
The traits of Christ – that’s what we’re supposed to be!
Your freedom ends where your neighbor begins!
This is for your own dignity and good
Jesus is the silver bullet!
I want pity party Jell-O!

Thursday 11.30.2023

^^ Through Hanukkah to Christmas!
Thanksgiving is over but not for Christians!
Victimhood is a spiral of death
Two scenarios: best of the best, worst of the worst
Sons of the kingdom will manifest

Friday 12/01.2023

^^ I was submerged in Him and found my identity in Him!
I want to be submerged in Him!
Surrender to the River of Life!
Dry bones: live!
Religion is from earth up, begging
What is soaking?

Week of November 20, 2023

 Monday 11.20.2023

^^ Casting crowns before the throne
Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds!
The goal of the enemy was to separate us from the Father – but you are bought back!
Christ as the One who goes before us, clearing the way – we get to follow

Tuesday 11.21.2023

^^ I remember being in Barcelona!
As people from a republic, we just have a different attitude towards life.
I know that because I’m in Christ, I am whole!
He’s calling out today, saying, “Don’t you want to get to know Me?”

Wednesday 11.22.2023

^^ Do you guys pray a certain way?
The effective prayer of a righteous person available much.
Guard your steps as you go in to the presence of God – draw near and listen!
Shemah: hear and obey
I started to see people look up, and chains were coming off!

Thursday 11.23.2023

^^ Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice!
Prodigal son, prodigal daughter
A God dream has a seed in it, to be fulfilled
Are you seeking to be like Christ?

Friday 11.24.2023

^^ The heart of this ministry…
It’s Black Friday! Do you know the double meaning?
Now about the sixth hour, darkness came across the land!
And the veil in the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom!

Week of November 13, 2023

 Monday 11.13.2023

^^ The Gospel must have outworkings
More benefits for making a Carpetball table
You’re sawing off the branch you’re sitting on!

Tuesday 11.14.2023

^^ Uncomfortable Christians
The safest place to be is in the center of God’s will – true or false?
Consider one another more important than yourself
Submission is the mission!

Wednesday 11.15.2023

^^ Military jets in the sky over Bennington! Woosh! Varoooom!
A donut diagram, control versus concern
Our comfort is not God’s top priority!
A lot is not what it seems to be
Get wisdom from God

Thursday 11.16.2023

^^ When I fell down and cried, my mother kissed my head, but I felt better!
Satan the forever loser!
I am not the Lord’s first choice, but I’m the one who said yes
Victim, villain, hero, or guide?

Friday 11.17.2023

^^ I want to be on a need to know basis with God; saves a lot of anguish!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
Walk in Sonship
Be content, I will not leave you!

Week of November 06, 2023

 Monday 11.06.2023

^^ His Word flourishes in its own inherent power
Give up our will for His specific Will
“Lord, who are You to me?”
Luke22:42 – take this cup from me, but not my will be done, but Thine

Tuesday 11.07.2023

^^ Some people I pray for, I see lances and arrows stuck in their back!
Jesus, laying down His life for us, was bringing us back to the relationship in Genesis chapters 1 & 2!
Take up the full armor – that sounds good for this present evil day!
We need a whole heart, and God is restoring our hearts!

Wednesday 11.08.2023

It’s like a seven layer dessert – it wouldn’t be the same with six!
It was an acorn tree! What kind of tree is that?
Trust in the Lord with part of your heart … (right?)
Amphibians in the spirit
We are created to be the connector of heaven and earth

Thursday 11.09.2023

^^ Christ gives you security – really!
Ugly, unfruitful trees – that’s what we are!
Paul, a man compelled by love, like a freight train

Friday 11.10.2023

^^ You have to walk before you can run!
I felt like a real real moron when I said that
Testimony time by the hosts – healings and God moments (fascinating, really)

Week of October 30, 2023

 Monday 10.30.2023

^^ I was thinking about Mondays…
I see a Harvest coming!
New mercies every day!
A Spring cleaning coming through BENNINGTON!

Tuesday 10.31.2023

^^ Surrender
Be careful what you sing at church, God will hold you to it!
Surrender all!
If He is light, we are light!
Carpetball as a means of surrender…
The value God sees in His children
Every promise of God has the seed of fulfillment in it
Moravians: “May the Lamb receive the reward for His suffering.

Wednesday 11.01.2023

^^ This is not a scripted program!
My life is like a beautiful LEGO masterpiece, that I see grow, as I build it
God sees us as the image and likeness of the father
Who is man that God should consider him? (Ps 8)
Ask Him, “Who do You say that I am?”

Thursday 11.02.2023

^^ Help is on the way!
(Isaiah 40:31) Those who hope in the lord will renew their strength
Obedience creates a safe place for us!
If you’re moving or taking down wallpaper, do it in the Lord’s timing!
Awoken, not woke

Friday 11.03.2023

^^ The Lord’s Prayer, elaborated
Iniquity: a lifestyle that become’s generational
There is a reason for fear and angst: we have trespassed against God

Week of October 23, 2023

 Monday 10.23.2023

^^ The peace of God is enemy crushing – and it starts for you by receiving Jesus!
The peace of Jesus is not fragile
Think about God’s Kingdom as He sees it
You are a human being: not a human doing

Tuesday 10.24.2023

^^ Is God speaking, now, to your heart?
There is a clarity coming
Bear with those who suffer
Old things are not meant to continue – watch!
You’ve got the traction if you’ve listened to the Lord!

Wednesday 10.25.2023

^^ There is a lot in a name!
This is not a scripted program!
My life is like a beautiful LEGO masterpiece, that I see grow, as I build it
God sees us as the image and likeness of the father
Who is man that God should consider him? (Ps 8)
Ask Him, “Who do You say that I am?”

Thursday 10.26.2023

^^ Help is on the way!
(Isaiah 40:31) Those who hope in the lord will renew their strength
Obedience creates a safe place for us!
If you’re moving or taking down wallpaper, do it in the Lord’s timing!
Awoken, not woke

Friday 10.27.2023

^^ The Lord’s Prayer, elaborated
Iniquity: a lifestyle that become’s generational
There is a reason for fear and angst: we have trespassed against God

Week of October 16, 2023

 Monday 10.16.2023

^^ Be guided by the Holy Spirit
We are co-participants with Him in heaven
We need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit
think globally act locally
As long as the Restrainer is on the Earth, the enemy will be restrained

Tuesday 10.17.2023

^^ Be like Christ !!
Philippians 2: We are doing the will of the Lord!
Larry says, “I asked, He answered!”
The Spirit Himself bears witness to us that we are His children!
I am not my own idea!!
Failure is a great teacher

Wednesday 10.18.2023

^^ Aaron has his Great Radio Announcer Voice on!
Our identity is not ‘a sinner saved by Grace,’ but a new person in Christ, all credit to God!
Identity is so important! Get it right!

Thursday 10.19.2023

^^ The Leafers are in town!! The Leafers are in town!!
I’m like a blunt object, He has to hit me over the head to get me to do what He said
Jesus said My yoke is easy, My burden is light!
Don’t you want to do it the easy way?
Romans 12:1; Be transformed by the renewing of your mind!

Friday 10.20.2023

^^ Well, today is Fri–yey!
Musings on donkeys and other animals, talking
We are new creatures in Christ, able to do righteousness, in ever increasing measure
This new life is greater than sin and death!

Week of October 9, 2023

 Monday 10.09.2023

^^ What is faith?
How do you keep your heart alive? :: Daily time with the Lord/physical exercise/outdoors/meaningful work/get away from screens!
This land is a land of plenty/the Age is difficult

Tuesday 10.10.2023

^^ Does God know when there is something between Him and us?
You know your mind is renewed when you think of miracles as rational!
What are we doing that will fail if God doesn’t show up?
Ezekiel 33: The watchmen sounds the alarm, but citizens have to respond!

Wednesday 10.11.2023

^^ The Holy Spirit reveals the Father’s heart without filter.
A beautiful tree, flame orange in Vermont’s glorious autumn season
Aarons T-shirt “In the end, Jesus wins!”
A good reference; Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

Thursday 10.12.2023

^^ Fall glory in Vermont!
God is shaking everything that can be shaken.
How do we know the difference between the need of rest versus the need of restoration?
When God gives you “that look”!
Work on our own is worrisome work
God cares more about your heart than about what you think needs to be done.

Friday 10.13.2023

^^ Bennington – a home for Christians
Vermont is growing Christians!
British General Burgoyne (1776 or so) evaluates Vermonters: Vermont contains the most rebellious race on the planet!
Jesus was assigned three years to save the world, but He had time for a dinner party.

Week of October 2, 2023

 Monday 10.02.2023

^^ You paid what for a chicken coop?
Fear can be a great learning experience.
Fear can never conquer me because You already have!

Tuesday 10.03.2023

^^ The Leafers are baaaack!
Last year we bought a cow and now we’re out!
Your spirit is eternally young – build God’s Kingdom!
“Hey, we heard you on the Radio!”

Wednesday 10.04.2023

^^ When your priorities are off, your heart is off!
The Lord will use hard times to bring His people back.
“Hear, O Israel!”; “Hear” means hear and obey!

Thursday 10.05.2023

^^ I thought like a kid, I talked like a kid.
The Birth Order Book

Friday 10.06.2023

^^ At last – a SERIES; Four weeks reaching on Romans!
Living sacrifices please His heart!
Stop imitating the culture around you and be the Body of Christ!

Week of September 25, 2023

 Monday 09.25.2023

^^ When you’re in your called place, God defends you
The symphony – moral excellence, knowledge, patience …
The word of God is the key
Practice hearing the Holy Spirit – Jesus said, “My sheep WILL hear My voice!”

Tuesday 09.26.2023

^^ People can discern our heart by our actions
The message of the gospel is offensive – we don’t need to add to it, by being offensive!
Christian marriages are happier!
In Hebrew’s – come boldly to the throneroom of grace for help in time of need!

Wednesday 09.27.2023

^^ We hear of wars and rumors of wars – we should double down and triple down on telling people of Jesus!
This is the Christian life: Come & die, to live!
There is a memory in us, a memory of righteousness
Our glory is deeper than our sin!
The blood of Christ took care of the job!
God says, “I’m right here, holding you guys up!

Thursday 09.28.2023

^^ Snow! Vermont gets a lot of snow!
God is in action, follow Him.
Big understatement → “You will have trouble in this world!” (said Jesus)

Friday 09.29.2023

^^ Bob Lebert used to say, “Let God put the smooth on it!”
God shows me the path, not the endpoint.
Go to God daily, don’t worry about tomorrow.
2 Corinthians 10: … mighty to tearing down strongholds!

Week of September 18, 2023

 Monday 09.18.2023

^^ Yeah, I lied to my wife, and then the Holy Spirit had a short conversation with me.
Guard your words, do not casually offer a promise.

Tuesday 09.19.2023

^^ We’ve got to have a sense of purpose.
We’re in a time of rapid change – is it the end of an Age?
We were called to live in Bennington.
So important to know who we are in Christ, who God says we are!

Wednesday 09.20.2023

Christ’s dreams need to be fulfilled through a human body!
We are watching out for those who need saving (as we once did!)

Thursday 09.21.2023

^^ I was late for everything! I asked my Dad what to do, he said, “Be a half hour early.”
If you return, I will be there for you.
Solomon’s Temple: rivers of living water

Friday 09.22.2023

^^ Foreign exchange students.
God is in the driver’s seat, I’m along for the ride.
Bubbling joy – a fruit of the Spirit!
Fruit of the Spirit, “top notes” and perfume

Week of September 11, 2023

 Monday 09.11.2023

^^ Christov from Indonesia – Bible translation
The Holy Spirit is always working, we follow after Him!

Tuesday 09.12.2023

^^ Is is OK to have prisoners translating the Bible in their cells?
Well, didn’t Paul write some of his letters from prison?

Wednesday 09.13.2023

^^ Transforming lives – the power of God’s Word – it doesn’t go out void
Hungering and thirsting for the word of God – she slammed the table and said, “You have your meeting, and when you get back to us, we may not be there!”

Thursday 09.14.2023

^^ Lord, have Your way this morning!
In West Papua one group has 2,000 churches, but only 1,200 full time pastors!
Christov asks for air superiority – prayer cover! The enemy considers all Christian denominations as one and attacks all churches!

Friday 09.15.2023

^^ Book: “Pacific Saints – Their Battles for Eternity”

If you’d like to support Christov in these efforts click here and put “Indonesia” in the <Comments> box

Week of September 04, 2023

 Monday 09.04.2023

^^ Bringing refreshing and life to those who listen
We must hear the voice of the Spirit
Which Tree are you eating at?

Tuesday 09.05.2023

^^ “Jesus is better than the bunny!”
The body does not have a different name than the Head!
A runner breaks through ‘the wall’
God’s Word is the breath of life!

Wednesday 09.06.2023

^^ Dede: I like coconut flavoring. Aaron: I think it tastes like suntan lotion.
Advert:: You too can have the Monthly COMMENTARY from HCM! Ask for it!
Learn to see yourself as others see you – that’s maturity

Thursday 09.07.2023

^^ Bible reading: take it in with no filter!
Read God’s word, don’t watch scary movies.

Friday 09.08.2023

^^ Purpose/identity/meaning; life in Jesus is complete
Find the connections you are assigned to work with
You have to get into a church, not just look online;
It isn’t that you won’t get anything on line, it’s that you can’t give to others online.

Week of August 28, 2023

 Monday 08.28.2023

^^ Why isn’t Jesus allowed into jewelry stores?
Sometimes it seems like we have to do it all ourselves

Tuesday 08.29.2023

^^ Behold the Lamb, take captive every thought
It’s like an oil filter
I want to declare my independence from stupidity!

Wednesday 08.30.2023

^^ Let Your full purpose flow through my life!
Are there really other gods?

Thursday 08.31.2023

^^ Amos 8: a famine of hearing the Word of God!
Obedience is to be under the influence of hearing
BSA Award, “God and Country”
Being made in human likeness, even death upon a cross!

Friday 09.01.2023

^^ Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord!
“Pray for me, Pastor, that God will bless my stupidity.”
The Lord is a present help in trouble.
The spirit of death will passover, I will extol the Lord.

Week of August 21, 2023

 Monday 08.21.2023

^^ Ps 27 –
11-Teach me your way, Lord. 14-Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Tuesday 08.22.2023

^^ Should we be active in politics? Pray and do what we’re led to by the Lord.

Wednesday 08.23.2023

^^ Ps 22 – All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,
and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him

Thursday 08.24.2023

^^ Eclectic: the Gibson guitar company swat raid, and the Moravians 100 year prayer effort

Friday 08.25.2023

^^ God’s Spirit is the one who lifts up
Jordan P: so many men are hurting for lack of an encouraging word

↓ Week of August 14 were reruns

Week of August 7, 2023

 Monday 08.07.2023

^^Rejecting man’s version of Jesus (that’s OK because the real version is MUCH better!)

Tuesday 08.08.2023

^^ Hallelujah Blvd, a nifty address,
Not, “Don’t Do That!”, so much as, “Do this – be close to Jesus”

Wednesday 08.09.2023

^^ Every prodigal wants identity
Pig food is indigestible: I know, I tried it
“You set a Table before me in the presence of mine enemies
The only thing that lives is what you feed
“EN FUEGO,” I am on fire for Jesus!

Thursday 08.10.2023

^^ Jesus had batteries? Who knew? (Sorry, these subtitles will get better after awhile, folks)

Friday 08.11.2023

^^ You understand me?
You love me?
Like a good Dad would.

Week of July 31, 2023

 Monday 07.31.2023

^^ Our identity, God’s love

Tuesday 08.01.2023

^^ Called to ministry, not to “Heaven, here on earth!”

Wednesday 08.02.2023

^^ Where the word of the king is, is power

Thursday 08.03.2023

^^ Testify of wounds of gold, and love received

Friday 08.04.2023

^^ Curtains snapping in the desert wind,
A curtain torn in two from top to bottom,
Rules you must and cannot follow,
But a Way is made!

Week of July 24, 2023

This week’s programs are repeated from the week of April 10, 2023

 Monday 07.24.2023

Tuesday 07.25.2023

Wednesday 07.26.2023

Thursday 07.27.2023

Friday 07.28.2023

Week of July 17, 2023

This week’s programs are repeated from the week of April 3, 2023

 Monday 07.1.72023

Tuesday 07.18.2023

Wednesday 07.19.2023

Thursday 07.20.2023

Friday 07.21.2023

Week of July 10, 2023

This week we have Isaiah Seavers, Pastor at Bethany Revival Church, Bennington
with Aaron Lebert and Larry Callander

 Monday 07.10.2023

^^ Tears on the altar – Isaiah Seavers

Tuesday 07.11.2023

^^ Not enough, then Whoa! – This is enough!

Wednesday 07.12.2023

^^ Nate and the Slinky / childlikeness / New in Christ!

Thursday 07.13.2023

^^ Now righteous, now set free! Next, internship in Germany

Friday 07.14.2023

^^ Preach: head to ear? or head to heart?, or, heart to heart!

Week of July 03, 2023

 Monday 07.03.2023

Tuesday 07.04.2023

Wednesday 07.05.2023

Thursday 07.06.2023

Friday 07.07.2023

Week of June 26, 2023

 Monday 06.26.2023

Tuesday 06.27.2023

Wednesday 06.28.2023

Thursday 06.29.2023

Friday 06.30.2023

Week of June 19, 2023

 Monday 06.19.2023

Tuesday 06.20.2023

Wednesday 06.21.2023

Thursday 06.22.2023

Friday 06.23.2023

Week of June 12, 2023

 Monday 06.12.2023

Tuesday 06.13.2023

Wednesday 06.14.2023

Thursday 06.15.2023

Friday 06.16.2023

Week of June 05, 2023

 Monday 06.05.2023

Tuesday 06.06.2023

Wednesday 06.07.2023

Thursday 06.08.2023

Friday 06.09.2023

Week of May 29, 2023

 Monday 05.29.2023

Tuesday 05.30.2023

Wednesday 05.31.2023

Thursday 06.01.2023

Friday 06.02.2023

Week of May 22, 2023

 Monday 05.22.2023

Tuesday 05.23.2023

Wednesday 05.25.2023

Thursday 05.25.2023

Friday 05.26.2023

Week of May 15, 2023

 Monday 05.15.2023

Tuesday 05.16.2023

Wednesday 05.17.2023

Thursday 05.18.2023

Friday 05.19.2023

Week of May 08, 2023

 Monday 05.08.2023

Tuesday 05.09.2023

Wednesday 05.10.2023

Thursday 05.11.2023

Friday 05.12.2023

Week of May 01, 2023

 Monday 05.01.2023

Tuesday 05.02.2023

Wednesday 05.03.2023

Thursday 05.04.2023

Friday 05.05.2023

Week of April 24, 2023

 Monday 04.24.2023

Tuesday 04.25.2023

Wednesday 04.26.2023

Thursday 04.27.2023

Friday 04.28.2023

Week of April 17, 2023

 Monday 04.17.2023

Tuesday 04.18.2023

Wednesday 04.19.2023

Thursday 04.20.2023

Friday 04.21.2023

Week of April 10, 2023

 Monday 04.10.2023

Tuesday 04.11.2023

Wednesday 04.12.2023

Thursday 04.13.2023

Friday 04.14.2023

Week of April 03, 2023

 Monday 04.03.2023

Tuesday 04.04.2023

Wednesday 04.05.2023

Thursday 04.06.2023

Friday 04.07.2023

Week of March 27, 2023

 Monday 03.27.2023

Tuesday 03.28.2023

Wednesday 03.29.2023

Thursday 03.30.2023

Friday 03.31.2023

Week of March 20, 2023

 Monday 03.20.2023

Tuesday 03.21.2023

Wednesday 03.22.2023

Thursday 03.23.2023

Friday 03.24.2023

Week of March 13, 2023

 Monday 03.13.2023

Tuesday 03.14.2023

Wednesday 03.15.2023

Thursday 03.16.2023

Friday 03.17.2023

Week of March 6, 2023

 Monday 03.06.2023

Tuesday 03.07.2023

Wednesday 03.08.2023

Thursday 03.09.2023

Friday 03.10.2023

Week of February 27, 2023

 Monday 02.27.2023

Tuesday 02.28.2023

Wednesday 03.01.2023

Thursday 03.02.2023

Friday 03.03.2023

Week of February 20, 2023

 Monday 02.20.2023

Tuesday 02.21.2023

Wednesday 02.22.2023

Thursday 02.23.2023

Friday 02.24.2023

Week of February 13, 2023

 Monday 02.13.2023

Tuesday 02.14.2023

Wednesday 02.15.2023

Thursday 02.16.2023

Friday 02.17.2023

Week of February 06, 2023

 Monday 02.06.2023

Tuesday 02.07.2023

Wednesday 02.08.2023

Thursday 02.09.2023

Friday 02.10.2023

Week of January 30, 2023

 Monday 01.30.2023

Tuesday 01.31.2023

Wednesday 02.01.2023

Thursday 02.02.2023

Friday 02.03.2023

Week of January 23, 2023

 Monday 01.23.2023

Tuesday 01.24.2023

Wednesday 01.25.2023

Thursday 01.26.2023

Friday 01.27.2023

Week of January 16, 2023

 Monday 01.16.2023

Tuesday 01.17.2023

Wednesday 01.18.2023

Thursday 01.19.2023

Friday 01.20.2023

Week of January 9, 2023

 Monday 01.09.2023

Tuesday 01.10.2023

Wednesday 01.11.2023

Thursday 01.12.2023

Friday 01.13.2023

Week of January 2, 2023

 Monday 01.02.2023

Tuesday 01.03.2023

Wednesday 01.04.2023

Thursday 01.05.2023

Friday 01.06.2023

Week of December 26, 2022

 Monday 12.26.2022

Tuesday 12.27.2022

Wednesday 12.28.2022

Thursday 12.29.2022

Friday 12.30.2022

Week of December 19, 2022

 Monday 12.19.2022

Tuesday 12.20.2022

Wednesday 12.21.2022

Thursday 12.22.2022

Friday 12.23.2022

Week of December 12, 2022

 Monday 12.12.2022

Tuesday 12.13.2022

Wednesday 12.14.2022

Thursday 12.15.2022

Friday 12.16.2022

Week of December 05, 2022

 Monday 12.05.2022

Tuesday 12.06.2022

Wednesday 12.07.2022

Thursday 12.08.2022

Friday 12.09.2022

Week of November 28, 2022

 Monday 11.28.2022

Tuesday 11.29.2022

Wednesday 11.30.2022

Thursday 12.01.2022

Friday 12.02.2022

Week of November 21, 2022

 Monday 11.21.2022

Tuesday 11.22.2022

Wednesday 11.23.2022

Thursday 11.24.2022

Friday 11.25.2022

Week of November 14, 2022

 Monday 11.14.2022

Tuesday 11.15.2022

Wednesday 11.16.2022

Thursday 11.17.2022

Friday 11.18.2022

Week of November 07, 2022

 Monday 11.07.2022

Tuesday 11.08.2022

Wednesday 11.09.2022

Thursday 11.10.2022

Friday 11.11.2022

Week of October 31, 2022

 Monday 10.31.2022

Tuesday 11.01.2022

Wednesday 11.02.2022

Thursday 11.03.2022

Friday 11.04.2022

Week of October 24, 2022

 Monday 10/24.2022

Tuesday 10/25.2022

Wednesday 10/26.2022

Thursday 10/27.2022

Friday 10/28.2022

Week of October 17, 2022

 Monday 10/17.2022

Tuesday 10/18.2022

Wednesday 10/19.2022

Thursday 10/20.2022

Friday 10/21.2022

Week of October 10, 2022

 Monday 10/10.2022

Tuesday 10/11.2022

Wednesday 10/12.2022

Thursday 10/13.2022

Friday 10/14.2022

Week of October 03, 2022

 Monday 10/03.2022

Tuesday 10/04.2022

Wednesday 10/05.2022

Thursday 10/06.2022

Friday 10/07.2022

Week of September 26, 2022

 Monday 09.26.2022

Tuesday 09.27.2022

Wednesday 09.28.2022

Thursday 09.29.2022

Friday 09.30.2022

Week of September 19, 2022

 Monday 09.19.2022

Tuesday 09.20.2022

Wednesday 09.21.2022

Thursday 09.22.2022

Friday 09.23.2022

Week of September 12, 2022

 Monday 09.12.2022

Tuesday 09.13.2022

Wednesday 09.14.2022

Thursday 09.15.2022

Friday 09.16.2022

Week of September 05, 2022

 Monday 09.05.2022

Tuesday 09.06.2022

Wednesday 09.07.2022

Thursday 09.08.2022

Friday 09.09.2022

Week of August 29, 2022

 Monday 08.29.2022

Tuesday 08.30.2022

Wednesday 08.31.2022

Thursday 09.01.2022

Friday 09.02.2022

Week of August 22, 2022

This week we re-air programs from early May 2022

– back to new programming Monday, August 29

 Monday 08.22.2022

Tuesday 08.23.2022

Wednesday 08.24.2022

Thursday 08.25.2022

Friday 08.26.2022

Week of August 15, 2022

 Monday 08.15.2022

Tuesday 08.16.2022

Wednesday 08.17.2022

Thursday 08.18.2022

Friday 08.19.2022

Week of August 08, 2022

 Monday 08.08.2022

Tuesday 08.09.2022

Wednesday 08.10.2022

Thursday 08.11.2022

Friday 08.12.2022

Week of August 01, 2022

 Monday 08.01.2022

Tuesday 08.02.2022

Wednesday 08.03.2022

Thursday 08.04.2022

Friday 08.05.2022

Week of July 25, 2022

This week we have reruns from last summer, Dan Boorse is with us Mon-Wed

 Monday 07.25.2022

Tuesday 07.26.2022

Wednesday 07.27.2022

Thursday 07.28.2022

Friday 07.29.2022

Week of July 18, 2022

This week we have reruns from last summer, Dan Boorse is with us Thur – Fri

 Monday 07.18.2022

Tuesday 07.19.2022

Wednesday 07.20.2022

Thursday 07.21.2022

Friday 07.22.2022

Week of July 11, 2022

 Monday 07.11.2022

Tuesday 07.12.2022

Wednesday 07.13.2022

Thursday 07.14.2022

Friday 07.15.2022

Week of July 04, 2022

 Monday 07.04.2022

Tuesday 07.05.2022

Wednesday 07.06.2022

Thursday 07.07.2022

Friday 07.08.2022

Week of June 27, 2022

 Monday 06.27.2022

Tuesday 06.28.2022

Wednesday 06.29.2022

Thursday 06.30.2022

Friday 07.01.2022

Week of June 20, 2022

 Monday 06.20.2022

Tuesday 06.21.2022

Wednesday 06.22.2022

Thursday 06.23.2022

Friday 06.24.2022

Week of June 13, 2022

 Monday 06.13.2022

Tuesday 06.14.2022

Wednesday 06.15.2022

Thursday 06.16.2022

Friday 06.17.2022

Week of June 06, 2022

 Monday 06.06.2022

Tuesday 06.07.2022

Wednesday 06.08.2022

Week of May 30, 2022

 Monday 05.30.2022

Tuesday 05.31.2022

Wednesday 06.01.2022

Thursday 06.02.2022

Friday 06.03.2022

Week of May 23, 2022

 Monday 05.23.2022

Tuesday 05.24.2022

Wednesday 05.25.2022

Thursday 05.26.2022

Friday 05.27.2022

Week of May 16, 2022

 Monday 05.16.2022

Tuesday 05.17.2022

Wednesday 05.18.2022

Thursday 05.19.2022

Friday 05.20.2022

Week of May 09, 2022

 Monday 05.09.2022

Tuesday 05.10.2022

Wednesday 05.11.2022

Thursday 05.12.2022

Friday 05.13.2022

Week of May 02, 2022

 Monday 05.02.2022

Tuesday 05.03.2022

Wednesday 05.04.2022

Thursday 05.05.2022

Friday 05.06.2022

Week of April 25, 2022

 Monday 04.25.2022

Tuesday 04.26.2022

Wednesday 04.27.2022

Thursday 04.28.2022

Friday 04.29.2022

Week of April 18, 2022

 Monday 04.18.2022

Tuesday 04.19.2022

Wednesday 04.30.2022

Thursday 04.21.2022

Friday 04.22.2022

Week of April 11, 2022

 Monday 04.11.2022

Tuesday 04.12.2022

Wednesday 04.13.2022

Thursday 04.14.2022

Friday 04.15.2022

Week of April 04, 2022

 Monday 04.04.2022

Tuesday 04.05.2022

Wednesday 04.06.2022

Thursday 04.07.2022

Friday 04.08.2022

Week of March 28, 2022

 Monday 03.28.2022

Tuesday 03.29.2022

Wednesday 03.30.2022

Thursday 03.31.2022

Friday 04.01.2022

Week of March 21, 2022

 Monday 03.21.2022

Tuesday 03.22.2022

Wednesday 03.23.2022

Thursday 03.24.2022

Friday 03.25.2022

Week of March 14, 2022

 Monday 03.14.2022

Tuesday 03.15.2022

Wednesday 03.16.2022

Thursday 03.17.2022

Friday 03.18.2022

Week of March 07, 2022

 Monday 03.07.2022

Tuesday 03.08.2022

Wednesday 03.09.2022

Thursday 03.10.2022

Friday 03.11.2022

Week of February 28, 2022

 Monday 02.28.2022

Tuesday 03.01.2022

Wednesday 03.02.2022

Thursday 03.03.2022

Friday 03.04.2022

Week of February 21, 2022

 Monday 02.21.2022

Tuesday 02.22.2022

Wednesday 02.23.2022

Thursday 02.24.2022

Friday 02.25.2022

Week of February 14, 2022

 Monday 02.14.2022

Tuesday 02.15.2022

Wednesday 02.16.2022

Thursday 02.17.2022

Friday 02.18.2022

Week of February 07, 2022

 Monday 02.07.2022

Tuesday 02.08.2022

Wednesday 02.09.2022

Thursday 02.10.2022

Friday 02.11.2022

Week of January 31, 2022

 Monday 01.31.2022

Tuesday 02.01.2022

Wednesday 02.02.2022

Thursday 02.03.2022

Friday 02.04.2022

Week of January 24, 2022

 Monday 01.24.2022

Tuesday 01.25.2022

Wednesday 01.26.2022

Thursday 01.27.2022

Friday 01.28.2022

Week of January 17, 2022

 Monday 01.17.2022

Tuesday 01.18.2022

Wednesday 01.19.2022

Thursday 01.20.2022

Friday 01.21.2022

Week of January 10, 2022

 Monday 01.10.2022

Tuesday 01.11.2022

Wednesday 01.12.2022

Thursday 01.13.2022

Friday 01.14.2022

Week of January 03, 2022

 Monday 01.03.2022

Tuesday 01.04.2022

Wednesday 01.05.2022

Thursday 01.06.2022

Friday 01.07.2022

Week of December 27, 2021

 Monday 12.27.2021

Tuesday 12.28.2021

Wednesday 12.29.2021

Thursday 12.30.2021

Friday 12.31.2021

Week of December 20, 2021

 Monday 12.20.2021

Tuesday 12.21.2021

Wednesday 12.22.2021

Thursday 12.23.2021

Friday 12.24.2021

Week of December 13, 2021

 Monday 12.13.2021

Tuesday 12.14.2021

Wednesday 12.15.2021

Thursday 12.16.2021

Friday 12.17.2021

Week of December 06, 2021

 Monday 12.06.2021

 Tuesday 12.07.2021

Wednesday 12.08.2021

Thursday 12.09.2021

Friday 12.10.2021


Week of October 18, 2021

 Monday 10.18.2021

Tuesday 10.19.2021

Wednesday 10.20.2021

Week of October 11, 2021

 Monday 10.11.2021

Tuesday 10.12.2021

Wednesday 10.13.2021

Thursday 10.14.2021

Friday 10.15.2021

Week of October 04, 2021

 Monday 10.04.2021

Tuesday 10.05.2021

Wednesday 10.06.2021

Thursday 09.30.2021

Friday 10.01.2021

Week of September 27, 2021

 Monday 09.27.2021

Tuesday 09.28.2021

Wednesday 09.29.2021

Thursday 09.30.2021

Friday 10.01.2021

Week of September 20, 2021

 Monday 09.20.2021

Tuesday 09.21.2021

Wednesday 09.22.2021

Thursday 09.23.2021

Friday 09.24.2021

Week of September 13, 2021

 Monday 09.13.2021

Tuesday 09.14.2021

Wednesday 09.15.2021

Thursday 09.16.2021

Friday 09.17.2021

Week of September 6, 2021

 Monday 09.06.2021

Tuesday 09.07.2021

Wednesday 09.08.2021

Thursday 09.09.2021

Friday 09.10.2021

Week of August 30, 2021


 Monday 08.30.2021

Tuesday 08.31.2021

Wednesday 09.01.2021

Thursday 09.02.2021

Friday 09.03.2021

Week of August 23, 2021

 Monday 08.23.2021

Tuesday 08.24.2021

Wednesday 08.25.2021

Thursday 08.26.2021

Friday 08.27.2021

Week of August 16, 2021

 Monday 08.16.2021

Tuesday 08.17.2021

Wednesday 08.18.2021

Week of August 09, 2021

 Monday 08.09.2021

Tuesday 08.10.2021

Wednesday 08.11.2021

Thursday 08.12.2021

Friday 08.13.2021

Week of August 02, 2021

Thursday 08.05.2021

Friday 08.06.2021

Week of July 12, 2021

 Monday 07.12.2021

Tuesday 07.13.2021

Wednesday 07.14.2021

Week of July 5, 2021

 Monday 07.05.2021

Tuesday 07.06.2021

Wednesday 07.07.2021

Thursday 07.08.2021

Friday 07.09.2021

Week of June 28, 2021

 Monday 06.28.2021

Tuesday 06.29.2021

Wednesday 06.30.2021

Thursday 07.01.2021

Friday 07.02.2021

Week of June 21, 2021

 Monday 06.21.2021

Tuesday 06.22.2021

Wednesday 06.23.2021

Thursday 06.24.2021

Friday 06.25.2021

Week of June 14, 2021

Monday 06.14.2021

Tuesday 06.15.2021

Wednesday 06.16.2021

(see the note below for the link to Dan Mohler’s video)

Thursday 06.17.2021

Friday 06.18.2021

Week of June 7, 2021

 Monday 06.07.2021

Tuesday 06.08.2021

Wednesday 06.09.2021

Thursday 06.10.2021

Link to the Dan Mohler video talked about on programs on 6/10 – 6/16/21.

Dan Mohler rings true.  Dan comes on at 47:28 and goes to 1:56:40.

Well, well worth the time to watch it.

Friday 06.11.2021

Week of May 31, 2021

 Monday 05.31.2021

Tuesday 06.01.2021

Wednesday 06.02.2021

Thursday 06.03.2021

Friday 06.04.2021

Week of May 24, 2021

 Monday 05.24.2021

Tuesday 05.25.2021

Wednesday 05.26.2021

Thursday 05.27.2021

Friday 05.28.2021

Week of May 17, 2021

 Monday 05.17.2021

Tuesday 05.18.2021

Wednesday 05.19.2021

Thursday 05.20.2021

Friday 05.21.2021

Week of May 10, 2021

 Monday 05.10.2021

Tuesday 05.11.2021

Wednesday 05.12.2021

↑  Programs from May 6 – 12 are with Joe and Susan Gervais, recounting their recent involvement with a Mario Murillo Crusade in the Central Valley of California – The Holy Spirit is on the move!

Thursday 05.13.2021

Friday 05.14.2021

Week of May 3, 2021

 Monday 05.03.2021

Tuesday 05.04.2021

Wednesday 05.05.2021

↓  Programs from May 6 – 12 are with Joe and Susan Gervais, recounting their recent involvement with a Mario Murillo Crusade in the Central Valley of California – The Holy Spirit is on the move!

Thursday 05.06.2021

Friday 05.07.2021

Week of April 26, 2021

 Monday 04.26.2021

Tuesday 04.27.2021

Wednesday 04.28.2021

Thursday 04.29.2021

Friday 04.30.2021

Week of April 19, 2021

 Monday 04.19.2021

Tuesday 04.20.2021

Wednesday 04.21.2021

Thursday 04.22.2021

Friday 04.23.2021

Week of April 12, 2021

 Monday 04/12.2021

Tuesday 04/13.2021

Wednesday 04/14.2021

Thursday 04.15.2021

Friday 04.16.2021

Week of April 5, 2021

 Monday 04/05.2021

Tuesday 04/06.2021

Wednesday 04/07.2021

Thursday 04.08.2021

Friday 04.09.2021

Week of March 29, 2021

 Monday 03.29.2021

Tuesday 03.30.2021

Wednesday 03.31.2021

Thursday 04.01.2021

Friday 04.02.2021

Week of March 22, 2021

 Monday 03.22.2021

Tuesday 03.23.2021

Wednesday 03.24.2021

Thursday 03.25.2021

Friday 03.26.2021

Week of March 15, 2021

 Monday 03.15.2021

Tuesday 03.16.2021

Wednesday 03.17.2021

Thursday 03.18.2021

Friday 03.19.2021

Week of March 08, 2021

 Monday 03.08.2021

Tuesday 03.09.2021

Wednesday 03.10.2021

Thursday 03.11.2021

Friday 03.12.2021

Week of March 01, 2021

 Monday 03.01.2021

Tuesday 03.02.2021

Wednesday 03.03.2021

Thursday 03.04.2021

Friday 03.05.2021

Week of February 22, 2021

 Monday 02.22.2021

Tuesday 02.23.2021

Wednesday 02.24.2021

Thursday 02.25.2021

Friday 02.26.2021

Week of February 15, 2021

 Monday 02.15.2021

Tuesday 02.16.2021

Wednesday 02.17.2021

Thursday 02.18.2021

Friday 02.19.2021

Week of February 8, 2021

 Monday 02.08.2021

Tuesday 02.09.2021

Wednesday 02.10.2021

Thursday 02.11.2021

Friday 02.12.2021

Week including Thursday, Feb 4, 2021

Programs from 1/25 – 2/3 were repeats of earlier programs

Thursday 1.14.2021

Friday 1.15.2021

Week of January 11, 2021

 Monday 1.11.2021

Tuesday 1.12.2021

Wednesday 1.13.2021

Thursday 1.14.2021

Friday 1.15.2021

Week of January 4, 2021

 Monday 1.04.2021

Tuesday 1.05.2021

Wednesday 1.06.2021

Thursday 1.07.2021

Friday 1.08.2021

Week of December 21, 2020

 Monday 12.21.2020

Tuesday 12.22.2020

Wednesday 12.23.2020

Thursday 12.24.2020

Friday 12.25.2020

Week of December 14, 2020

 Monday 12.14.2020

Tuesday 12.15.2020

Wednesday 12.16.2020

Thursday 12.17.2020

Friday 12.18.2020

Week of December 7, 2020

 Monday 12.07.2020

Tuesday 12.08.2020

Wednesday 12.09.2020

Thursday 12.10.2020

Friday 12.11.2020

Week of November 30, 2020

 Monday 11.30.2020

Tuesday 12.01.2020

Wednesday 12.02.2020

Thursday 12.03.2020

Friday 12.04.2020

Week of November 23, 2020

 Monday 11.23.2020

[No program for Tuesday – sorry]

Wednesday 11.25.2020

Thursday 11.26.2020

Friday 11.27.2020

Week of November 16, 2020

 Monday 11.16.2020

Tuesday 11.17.2020

Wednesday 11.18.2020

Thursday 11.19.2020

Friday 11.20.2020

Week of November 9, 2020

 Monday 11.09.2020

Tuesday 11.10.2020

Wednesday 11.11.2020

Thursday 11.12.2020

Friday 11.13.2020

Week of November 2, 2020

 Monday 11.02.2020

Tuesday 11.03.2020

Wednesday 11.04.2020

Thursday 11.05.2020

Friday 11.06.2020

Week of October 26, 2020

 Monday 10.26.2020

Tuesday 10.27.2020

Wednesday 10.28.2020

Thursday 10.29.2020

Friday 10.30.2020

Week of October 19, 2020

 Monday 10.19.2020

Tuesday 10.20.2020

Wednesday 10.21.2020

Thursday 10.22.2020

Friday 10.23.2020

Week of October 12, 2020

 Monday 10.12.2020

Tuesday 10.13.2020

Wednesday 10.14.2020

Thursday 10.15.2020

Friday 10.16.2020

Week of October 5, 2020

 Monday 10.05.2020

Tuesday 10.06.2020

Wednesday 10.07.2020

Thursday 10.08.2020

Friday 10.09.2020

Week of September 28, 2020

 Monday 09.28.2020

Tuesday 09.29.2020

Wednesday 09.30.2020

Thursday 10.01.2020

Friday 10.02.2020

Week of September 21, 2020

 Monday 09.21.2020

Tuesday 09.22.2020

Wednesday 09.23.2020

Thursday 09.24.2020

Friday 09.25.2020

Week of September 14, 2020

 Monday 09.14.2020

Tuesday 09.15.2020

Wednesday 09.16.2020

Thursday 09.17.2020

Friday 09.18.2020

Week of September 7, 2020

 Monday 09.07.2020

Tuesday 09.08.2020

Wednesday 09.09.2020

Thursday 09.10.2020

Friday 09.11.2020

Week of August 31, 2020

 Monday 08.31.2020

Tuesday 09.01.2020

Wednesday 09.02.2020

Thursday 09.03.2020

Friday 09.04.2020

Week of August 24, 2020

 Monday 08.24.2020

Tuesday 08.25.2020

Wednesday 08.26.2020

Thursday 08.27.2020

Friday 08.28.2020

Week of July 13, 2020

 Monday 07.13.2020

Tuesday 07.14.2020

Wednesday 07.15.2020

Thursday 07.16.2020

Friday 07.17.2020

Week of July 6, 2020

 Monday 07.06.2020

Tuesday 07.07.2020

Wednesday 07.08.2020

Thursday 07.09.2020

Friday 07.10.2020

Week of June 29, 2020

 Monday 06.29.2020

Tuesday 06.30.2020

Wednesday 07.01.2020

Thursday 07.02.2020

Friday 07.03.2020

Week of June 22, 2020

 Monday 06.22.2020

Tuesday 06.23.2020

Wednesday 06.24.2020

Thursday 06.25.2020

Friday 06.26.2020

Week of June 15, 2020

 Monday 06.15.2020

Tuesday 06.16.2020

Wednesday 06.17.2020

Thursday 06.18.2020

Friday 06.19.2020

Week of June 08, 2020

 Monday 06.08.2020

Tuesday 06.09.2020

Wednesday 06.10.2020

Thursday 06.11.2020

Friday 06.12.2020

Week of June 01, 2020

 Monday 06.01.2020

Tuesday 06.02.2020

Wednesday 06.03.2020

Thursday 06.04.2020

Friday 06.05.2020

Week of May 25, 2020

 Monday 05.25.2020

Tuesday 05.26.2020

Wednesday 05.27.2020

Thursday 05.28.2020

Friday 05.29.2020

Week of May 18, 2020

 Monday 05.18.2020

Tuesday 05.19.2020

Wednesday 05.20.2020

Thursday 05.21.2020

Friday 05.22.2020

Week of May 11, 2020

 Monday 05.11.2020

Tuesday 05.12.2020

Wednesday 05.13.2020

Thursday 05.14.2020

Friday 05.15.2020

Week of May 4, 2020

 Monday 05.04.2020

Tuesday 05.05.2020

Wednesday 05.06.2020

Thursday 05.07.2020

Friday 05.08.2020

Week of April 27, 2020

 Monday 04.27.2020

Tuesday 04.28.2020

Wednesday 04.29.2020

Thursday 04.30.2020

Friday 05.01.2020

Week of April 20, 2020

 Monday 04.20.2020

Tuesday 04.21.2020

Wednesday 04.22.2020

Thursday 04.23.2020

Friday 04.24.2020

Week of April 13, 2020

 Monday 04.13.2020

Tuesday 04.14.2020

Wednesday 04.15.2020

Thursday 04.16.2020

Friday 04.17.2020

Week of April 6, 2020

 Monday 04.06.2020

Tuesday 04.07.2020

Wednesday 04.08.2020

Thursday 04.09.2020

Friday 04.10.2020

Week of March 30, 2020

 Monday 03.30.2020

Tuesday 03.31.2020

Wednesday 04.01.2020

Thursday 04.02.2020

Friday 04.03.2020

Week of March 23, 2020

 Monday 03.23.2020

Tuesday 03.24.2020

Wednesday 03.25.2020

Thursday 03.26.2020

Friday 03.27.2020

Week of March 16, 2020

 Monday 03.16.2020

Tuesday 03.17.2020

Wednesday 03.18.2020

Thursday 03.19.2020

Friday 03.20.2020

Week of March 9, 2020, 2020

 Monday 03.09.2020

Tuesday 03.10.2020

Wednesday 03.11.2020

Thursday 03.12.2020

Friday 03.13.2020

Week of March 2, 2020, 2020

 Monday 03.02.2020

Tuesday 03.03.2020

Wednesday 03.04.2020

Thursday 03.05.2020

Friday 03.06.2020

Week of February 24, 2020

 Monday 02.24.2020

Tuesday 02.25.2020

Wednesday 02.26.2020

Thursday 02.27.2020

Friday 02.28.2020

Week of February 17, 2020

 Monday 02.17.2020

Tuesday 02.18.2020

Wednesday 02.19.2020

Thursday 02.20.2020

Friday 02.21.2020

Week of January 27, 2020

 Monday 01.27.2020

Tuesday 01.28.2020

Wednesday 01.29.2020

Thursday 01.30.2020

Friday 01.31.2020

Week of January 20, 2020

Interesting week with Celsius and Kenneth, native pastors from Papua New Guinea.  Christ is real in PNG, too! Lives changing through the Cross!

 Monday 01.20.2020

Tuesday 01.21.2020

Wednesday 01.22.2020

Thursday 01.23.2020

Friday 01.24.2020

Week of January 13, 2020

Monday 01.13.2020

Tuesday 01.14.2020

Wednesday 01.15.2020

Thursday 01.16.2020

Friday 01.17.2020

Week of January 6, 2020

Monday 01.06.2020

Bonhoeffer LifeTogether quote

Tuesday 01.07.2020

Wednesday 01.08.2020

Thursday 01.09.2020

Friday 01.10.2020